| Peer-Reviewed

Reviewing the Development of Natural Fiber Polymer Composite: A Case Study of Sisal and Jute

Received: 7 December 2018     Accepted: 11 January 2019     Published: 22 February 2019
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Natural fibers that are mainly from plants, animals and regenerated sources are degradable and environmentally friendly as they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, they are cost effective when compare to the synthetic fibers. These materials mainly from plant are used initially for domestics’ purposes. They have recently been introduced to some industries, such as automotive, aircraft, marine and buildings, arising from their excellent mechanical, physical and chemical properties. The common natural fibers used for Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites (NFRPC) are, cotton, sisal, coir, jute, hemp, flax, banana, bamboo etc. Several researches and publications on natural fibers and its composite show that despite the properties of these fibers, their applications were limited to non-structural applications either for interior or exterior applications just for their environmental and low-cost benefit with less concern for their strength capabilities. Sisal and jute are fibers from vegetable and bast plants that had been proved to have exhibited excellent tensile and flexural properties (bast composite) and best impact properties (vegetable composite), were also restricted to non-structural applications only. This paper reviewed the present status and future expectations of natural fiber reinforced composites in structural applications using sisal and jute fiber reinforced polymer composites as a case.

Published in American Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (Volume 3, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajmme.20190301.11
Page(s) 1-10
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2019. Published by Science Publishing Group


Natural Composites, Natural Fibers, Matrices, Sisal and Jute Fibers, Structural Applications

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  • APA Style

    Gbenga Ekundayo, Sam Adejuyigbe. (2019). Reviewing the Development of Natural Fiber Polymer Composite: A Case Study of Sisal and Jute. American Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 3(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajmme.20190301.11

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    ACS Style

    Gbenga Ekundayo; Sam Adejuyigbe. Reviewing the Development of Natural Fiber Polymer Composite: A Case Study of Sisal and Jute. Am. J. Mech. Mater. Eng. 2019, 3(1), 1-10. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmme.20190301.11

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    AMA Style

    Gbenga Ekundayo, Sam Adejuyigbe. Reviewing the Development of Natural Fiber Polymer Composite: A Case Study of Sisal and Jute. Am J Mech Mater Eng. 2019;3(1):1-10. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmme.20190301.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajmme.20190301.11,
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      abstract = {Natural fibers that are mainly from plants, animals and regenerated sources are degradable and environmentally friendly as they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, they are cost effective when compare to the synthetic fibers. These materials mainly from plant are used initially for domestics’ purposes. They have recently been introduced to some industries, such as automotive, aircraft, marine and buildings, arising from their excellent mechanical, physical and chemical properties. The common natural fibers used for Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites (NFRPC) are, cotton, sisal, coir, jute, hemp, flax, banana, bamboo etc. Several researches and publications on natural fibers and its composite show that despite the properties of these fibers, their applications were limited to non-structural applications either for interior or exterior applications just for their environmental and low-cost benefit with less concern for their strength capabilities. Sisal and jute are fibers from vegetable and bast plants that had been proved to have exhibited excellent tensile and flexural properties (bast composite) and best impact properties (vegetable composite), were also restricted to non-structural applications only. This paper reviewed the present status and future expectations of natural fiber reinforced composites in structural applications using sisal and jute fiber reinforced polymer composites as a case.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Reviewing the Development of Natural Fiber Polymer Composite: A Case Study of Sisal and Jute
    AU  - Gbenga Ekundayo
    AU  - Sam Adejuyigbe
    Y1  - 2019/02/22
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    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajmme.20190301.11
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    AB  - Natural fibers that are mainly from plants, animals and regenerated sources are degradable and environmentally friendly as they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, they are cost effective when compare to the synthetic fibers. These materials mainly from plant are used initially for domestics’ purposes. They have recently been introduced to some industries, such as automotive, aircraft, marine and buildings, arising from their excellent mechanical, physical and chemical properties. The common natural fibers used for Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites (NFRPC) are, cotton, sisal, coir, jute, hemp, flax, banana, bamboo etc. Several researches and publications on natural fibers and its composite show that despite the properties of these fibers, their applications were limited to non-structural applications either for interior or exterior applications just for their environmental and low-cost benefit with less concern for their strength capabilities. Sisal and jute are fibers from vegetable and bast plants that had been proved to have exhibited excellent tensile and flexural properties (bast composite) and best impact properties (vegetable composite), were also restricted to non-structural applications only. This paper reviewed the present status and future expectations of natural fiber reinforced composites in structural applications using sisal and jute fiber reinforced polymer composites as a case.
    VL  - 3
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Author Information
  • Mechanical Eng’g Department, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Nigeria

  • Mechatronics Eng’g Department, Federal University, Oye Ekiti, Nigeria

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